Grief's Second Mile

Beyond the First Year

by Doug Manning

Most bereavement materials are focused on the first year of the grieving experience.  We have often been asked, "What do you have for after the first anniversary?" In response to this need, Doug has written this book, Grief's Second Mile: Life Beyond the First Year.

Grief's Second Mile addresses some of the specific losses such as the death after extended illness, death of a child, suicide, violent or unresolved deaths, and why those may lengthen or stall the person's ability to approach the necessary transitions of grief in a healthy or complete manner. He provides insights and suggestions for developing ways to express feelings and cope with the loss and how to seek the help that is vital. Doug focuses on allowing the reader to feel "normal" in their search and to discover the answers that are right for them.

A valuable resource for those families who are struggling or would appreciate something that speaks to their grieving beyond the first year. Excellent for use by hospices, churches, hospitals, lay ministry groups, Compassionate Friends, health-care facilities, friends and family.

48 pages

Also available as an eBook and as an Audio Book from your favorite eBook and Audio Book vendors.

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Grief's Second Mile

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